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Journal List


A practical semi-empirical model for predicting the SoH of lithium-ion battery: A novel perspective on short-term rest

J Park, Y Jin, W Kam, S Han

Journal of Energy Storage 96 (2024): 112659.


Development of an efficient vehicle-to-grid method for massive electric vehicle aggregation

M Seo, D Kodaira, Y Jin, H Son, S Han

Energy Reports 11 (2024): 1659-1674.


Strategies for electric vehicle bidding in the German frequency containment and restoration reserves market

M Seo, Y Jin, M Kim, H Son, S Han

Electric Power Systems Research 228 (2024): 110040.


Optimal EV scheduling and voltage security via an online bi-layer steady-state assessment method considering uncertainties

Y Jin, MA Acquah, M Seo, S Ghorbanpour, S Han, T Jyung

Applied Energy 347 (2023): 121356.


Optimal siting and sizing of EV charging station using stochastic power flow analysis for voltage stability

Y Jin, MA Acquah, M Seo, S Han

IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 10.1 (2023): 777-794.


Differential Evolution with Adaptive Grid-Based Mutation Strategy for Multi-Objective Optimization

S Ghorbanpour, Y Jin, S Han

Processes 10.11 (2022): 2316.


Unified Evolutionary Algorithm Framework for Hybrid Power Converter

S Ghorbanpour, M Seo, JJ Park, M Kim, Y Jin, S Han

Applied Sciences 12.21 (2022): 11236.


Life Evaluation of Battery Energy System for Frequency Regulation Using Wear Density Function

J Park, J Choi, H Jo, D Kodaira, S Han, MA Acquah

Energies 15.21 (2022): 8071.


Motivating Factors to Use Electric Vehicles Based on Behavioral Intention Model in South Korea

S Tahani, S Ghorbanpour, S Han

International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 16.6(2022): 85-88.


Short-term electric load prediction using transfer learning with interval estimate adjustment

Y Jin, MA Acquah, M Seo, S Han

Energy and Buildings 258 (2022): 111846.


Data–Driven Fault Diagnosis and Cause Analysis of Battery Pack with Real Data

J Yang, J Jung, S Ghorbanpour, S Han

Energies 15.5(2022): 1647.


Adaptive power flow prediction based on machine learning

J Park, D Kodaira, KA Agyeman, T Jyung, S Han

Energies 14.13(2021): 3842.


Optimal aggregation design for massive V2G participation in energy market

Y Jin, B Yu, M Seo, S Han

IEEE Access 8(2020): 211794-211808.


Frequency Performance Distribution Index for Short-Term System Frequency Reliability Forecast Considering Renewable Energy Integration

KA Agyeman, R Umezawa, S Han

Energies 13.11(2020): 2945.


An ensemble stochastic forecasting framework for variable distributed demand loads

KA Agyeman, G Kim, H Jo, S Park, S Han

Energies 13.10(2020): 2658.


Optimal energy storage system operation for peak reduction in a distribution network using a prediction interval

D Kodaira, W Jung, S Han

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11.3 (2019): 2208-2217.


Online building load management control with plugged-in electric vehicles considering uncertainties

MA Acquah, S Han

Energies 12.8(2019): 1436.


Impedance estimation with an enhanced particle swarm optimization for low-voltage distribution networks

D Kodaira, J Park, SY Kim, S Han, S Han

Energies 12.6(2019): 1167.


Real-time demand side management algorithm using stochastic optimization

M Amoasi Acquah, D Kodaira, S Han

Energies 11.5(2018): 1166.


Topology-based estimation of missing smart meter readings

D Kodaira, S Han

Energies 11.1(2018): 224.


A Study on the Optimal Angle Setting Considering the Stability of Photovoltaic Systems

YJ Lee, SK Han, SY Kim

The transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 67.4(2018): 498-504.


Improved receding horizon fourier analysis for quasi-periodic signals

BK Kwon, S Han, S Han

Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 12.1(2017): 378-384.


Resolver angle estimation using parameter and state estimation

S Han, S Han

Measurement 93(2016): 460-464.


A new mileage payment for EV aggregators with varying delays in frequency regulation service

KS Ko, S Han, DK Sung

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9.4(2016): 2616-2624.


Performance-based settlement of frequency regulation for electric vehicle aggregators

KS Ko, S Han, DK Sung

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9.2(2016): 866-875.


Optimal charging strategy for a residential PEV battery considering bidirectional trade and frequency regulation

S Han, H Aki, S Han, B Kwon, JB Park

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 14(2016): 587-597.


An automated impedance estimation method in low-voltage distribution network for coordinated voltage regulation

S Han, D Kodaira, S Han, B Kwon, Y Hasegawa, H Aki

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7.2(2015): 1012-1020.


Real-time recognition non-intrusive electrical appliance monitoring algorithm for a residential building energy management system

KA Agyeman, S Han, S Han

Energies 8.9(2015): 9029-9048.


Development of short-term reliability criterion for frequency regulation under high penetration of wind power with vehicle-to-grid support

S Han, S Han

Electric power systems research 107(2014): 258-267.


A practical battery wear model for electric vehicle charging applications

S Han, S Han, H Aki

Applied Energy 113(2014): 1100-1108.


Economic feasibility of V2G frequency regulation in consideration of battery wear

S Han, S Han

Energies 6.2(2013): 748-765.


Estimation of achievable power capacity from plug-in electric vehicles for V2G frequency regulation: Case studies for market participation

S Han, S Han, K Sezaki

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2.4(2011): 632-641.


Development of an optimal vehicle-to-grid aggregator for frequency regulation

S Han, S Han, K Sezaki

IEEE Transactions on smart grid 1.1(2010): 65-72.


Development of a dynamic collision avoidance algorithm for indoor tracking system based on active RFID

SK Han, YS Choi, M Iwai, K Sezaki

KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 4.5(2010): 736-752

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